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Dr. Subra Suresh, Director of the National Science Foundation
Global Science and Engineering: Opportunities and Challenges - Subra Suresh, NSF Director
Civic Scientist Lecture -- Subra Suresh
Thayer Investiture 2013: Subra Suresh's Speech
Fall Meeting 2012 Press Conference: Media Availability with NSF Director Subra Suresh
Professor Subra Suresh
Science and Engineering Research in the Global World with Subra Suresh
Annual Distinguished Lecturer - Subra Suresh, Sc.D - Director NSF
IIT Madras IAR Special Lecture by Dr. Subra Suresh - Part1
Subra Suresh
Prof. Subra Suresh , President of NTU and former Director of National Science Foundation, USA
SESYNC dedication ceremony - Dr. Suresh